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What can I do to relieve this pain during COVID restrictions?
The COVID restrictions have created huge changes in most of our daily lives for quite some time now. It is widely discussed how we have become less active and socially isolated with repercussions on mental health and movement habits. There can be associated effects with aches and pains such as low back pain, sciatica, neck pains and headaches to name a few.
Sometimes progress with these ailments can be difficult, not least because it can be unclear what to do to make a positive difference. If we start with the foundations and move up though, we're likely to make good progress.
When reading through these tips, don't feel at any stage like you should change lots of things in one go. Making lots of changes is often unsustainable leading to a boom-bust or yo-yoing effect. We're far better off making small changes that can be sustainably implemented. This is also helpful in testing what is working vs what might not be. If I changed 5 different things in one go related to daily activities and habits, how would I know which is having the desired (or undesirable) effect?
--> We're still social animals: talking with friends and family can be hugely beneficial whether that's a phone call or video chat, or a socially distanced walk and talk, especially if you have positive interests or hobbies in common.
--> Day and Night - a note on sleep: If your weekly schedule is a lot less prescriptive than what you're used to it's easy to find yourself slipping into habits like getting up later and progressively going to bed much later than you otherwise would have done. Particularly when associated with reduced quality of sleep this can have an impact on pain experience.
+ Try having a routine that works for you, a conscious choice to set your alarm and get up at a time that will improve your routine. Note that to get a good amount of sleep (typically 7-8 hours) you will also need to decide what time you're going to go to bed the night before (sounds obvious when you read it I know).
+ If you're getting up at a time to make the most of your day, and you're sufficiently rested, you're starting on the front foot rather than the back foot.
+ Managing quality of sleep can be a lot more complicated than simply having this routine in place but it's a good start.
--> Have a plan for the next day: Having a plan of what you are going to do in a day means you are more likely to get things done than if you wake-up and then either fall into your typical habit or try to figure out what you will do that day, this applies for personal and work life. Keep the plan as simple as possible. Bullet points can be useful, numbering your tasks in priority order or giving them a defined time that they will happen. Often less is more, as you're more likely to complete a small list and associate an increased sense of achievement, which of course helps motivate you for the future. Things like:
+ Scheduling when you will get up.
+ Getting some light exercise done (including getting outside if possible) - morning, lunchtime, evening, whatever works for you. Progress movements over time to allow your body to adapt - even if you're used to doing regular exercise you should progress back into it gradually to allow adaptation - seek professional advice on this especially if you're not used to exercising.
+ Eating well and at a regular schedule - try to avoid waiting till you're drained or over hungry before you think about what you'll eat, that way you're more likely to make positive choices and sustain energy levels.
+ Do work or mentally engaging tasks with regular breaks for movement - recurrent and prolonged periods of physical inactivity will impact muscle tone and pain experience.
--> Whether you're working, driving, going for a walk, or undertaking a circuit of different exercises, spare a moment to become aware of the quality of your set up, your body position - are you in a good position to start with or are you habitually building up sensitivity, weakness or imbalance.
Every one of these points could (and does) have volumes written about them in their own right, but hopefully these pointers are a useful nudge towards considering simple changes that can have positive effect on pain and experience.
Depending on the severity of any aches, pains and mental stresses that may have developed, engaging in these positive routine items can be a real challenge to achieve. In that case consider if there is one thing from the above that you could do. If the challenging experience is persistent seek help and support - here are some resources relevant to Glasgow and the surrounding area:
+ (this is an external link for NHSGGC, we are not responsible for the content and resources): .
+ Of course, with health challenges you should consider speaking with your GP, they will be able to direct you to further resources specific to you.
+ Contact us: as mentioned at the top of this article, habit changes, mental stress and movement challenges can often be associated with aches and pains such as low back pain, sciatica, neck pains and headaches. The care we provide is tailored to each individual's needs, including manual treatment, self-care advice and exercise progressions. We remain open for essential appointments during COVID restrictions in line with Scot Gov guidelines, our additional screening and cleaning processes are detailed at the top of each page throughout this site.
(Photo by Jessica Lewis on Unsplash)
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